How Good Are You At Building Wealth?

Here are a few easy questions to give you some idea as to your likelihood of building wealth over your lifetime. Be honest with your answers!

Question 1

Do you try to live below your means? Putting aside money for retirement counts.

  1. Never
  2. Sometimes
  3. More often than not
  4. Always or almost always

Question 2

If you do try to live below your means, how successful are you at doing so?

  1. Not very successful
  2. Somewhat successful
  3. Quite successful
  4. Always or almost always successful

Question 3

How much control do you believe you have over your life and your financial circumstances?

  1. No control
  2. Some control
  3. Considerable control
  4. A very high level of control

Question 4

How much confidence do you have that you can improve your financial situation?

  1. No confidence
  2. Some confidence
  3. Considerable confidence
  4. A very high level of confidence

Question 5

Do you ever set goals and actively monitor your progress towards meeting them?

  1. Never
  2. Sometimes
  3. Frequently
  4. Always or almost always

Question 6

How are you at staying focused on meeting your goals?

  1. Very poor (or I don’t have any goals)
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Excellent

Question 7

How often do you spend money to uphold or improve your social status?

  1. Never
  2. Sometimes
  3. Frequently

Question 8

How do you go about making decisions on investments?

  1. I’m totally ignorant and would therefore turn over all decisions to a competent professional.
  2. I’m somewhat knowledgeable and would consult a competent professional for guidance.
  3. I’m very knowledgeable but would still consult a competent professional for another opinion.
  4. I’m confident enough to make all decisions without consulting anyone.

Your answers should give you a good indication as to what your potential is for building wealth over your lifetime.

Posted in Self assessment.